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 Inaugurated at the United Nations   Headquarters in New York 
 on 25 July 1994 

" La paix est inscrite au coeur des hommes, 
c'est du coeur des hommes que la paix doit jaillir "

" Peace is innate in the heart of man,
It is from the heart of man that peace must blossom 

Soutenance d’une thèse de Doctorat  en cotutelle du Cercle de Réflexion des Nations Université Paris 8 et UNCR University. 

20 June 2019 - Paris - The co-supervision jury between the University of Paris 8 and UNCR University awarded the Doctorate in Philosophy and the Doctorate in Peace Administration to Mr. Thibault Masset for his thesis entitled "Critique and Clinic of Peace Strategy in the 21st century"

25th anniversary of the inauguration of the Cercle de Réflexion des Nations at UNO Headquarter

Statement made by the President of CRN on this special occasion

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