PhD in International Governance and Sustainable Development
General presentation of the PHD
The PhD program in International Governance and Sustainable Development is intended for ministers, deputy ministers, chiefs of staff as well as high-ranking government figures in office.
General agreement, Hanoi October 13, 2005
PhD of International Governance and Sustainable Development
With the main objective of building International Governance with a new vision of peace, UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), CRN (Cercled de Réflexion des Nations) and NAPA (National Academy of Public Administration) agree to create the PhD in International Governance and Sustainable Development for Ministers, Vice-Ministers, and Senior Executive Officers of Vietnam and other United Nations Member States and Observers.
NAPA, represented by HE Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hien, President of NAPA, Vice-Minister of the Interior of Vietnam. CRN represented by Dr. Michel Thao Chan, President. UNITAR represented by HE Mr. Marcel Boisard, Director General of UNITAR, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations.