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2nd General Assembly

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ON 17 JUNE 1997


Were present:

His Excellency Mr. Philip Dimitrov, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United Nations

His Excellency Mr. Ouch Borith, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United Nations

Mrs. Diemébou Kaba, First Counsellor, delegated by His Excellency Mr. Youssoufou Bamba, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire to the United Nations

Mrs. Elsa Haile, Third Secretary, delegated by His Excellency Mr. Amdemicael Kahsai, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Eritrea to the United Nations

His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Snoussi, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United Nations, and Mrs. Yamina Bennani Akhamlich, Counsellor

Mr. Clakmar Ag Oumar, Counsellor, delegated by His Excellency Mr. Moctar Ouane, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mali to the United Nations

Mrs. Peggy Kelly, Counsellor, delegated by His Excellency Mr. Bill Richardson, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations

Mr. Pham Quang Vinh, Deputy Permanent Representative; Mr. Duong Van Doan, First Secretary, and Mr. Nguyen An Trung, Second Secretary, delegated by His Excellency Mr. Ngo Quang Xuan, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United Nations
Mr. Boubacar Touré, Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Mr. Andrew Radolf, Representative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Mr. Ridha Bouabid, Permanent Observer of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation to the United Nations

Mr. Jean Garazian, Representative of Association culturelle francophone of the United Nations, New York

Mrs. Hope P. White Davis, President; Mr. Edward Cotlier and Mrs. Norma Gaveglio- Stanton, Counsellors of the World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows, New York

Mrs. Kevons Stories, Community Relations Director of Seamen's Service Co, New York
Mr. Régis Morin, Director of Morin Corporation , Florida.
Mr. Paul Gaimoz, Financial Expert and Mrs. Catherine Anglaret- France
Mrs. Gilbert Roger, President of Consultant Without Borders Corporation, New York
Mr. Jean Luc Pérez, Co-Founder of the Cercle de Réflexion, President of the Organizational Board
Mrs. Kieu My thi Ho, Co-Founder of the Cercle de Réflexion, Vice President of the Organizational Board
The permanent representatives of Benin, Germany, Ghana, Libya, Malawi, Mexico, Monaco, Portugal, Rwanda, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland regretfully could not be at the session due to their conflicting schedules.




1- Welcoming address ( agenda item 1)

1.1. The session started at 10:30am with Mr. Pham Quang Vinh, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, temporary President of the session.
After the welcoming address, he declared officially open the second session of the Cercle de Réflexion.

1.2. On behalf of the Cercle de Réflexion, Mr. Jean Luc Pérez thanked the participants and read the letters received from high-ranking officials of the United Nations Organization, who were unable to attend the session due to previous commitments:

- Mrs. Gillian Martin Sorensen, Assistant-Secretary-General for External Relations, conveyed the greetings of the Secretary-General Kofi Annan, to the General Assembly (letter of 19 May 1997).

- Mr. Bernard Miyet, Under-Secretary-General for Peace-keeping Operations, has emphasized the "nobility of the cause" served by the Cercle de Réflexion and described the idea of a hospital-ship as "generous and admirable".

1.3. Mr. Pham Quang Vinh nominated Mrs. Elsa Haile from Eritrea as President of the
second session. Mrs. Elsa Haile was elected by acclamation.

2. Overview of the Charter of the Cercle de Réflexion ( agenda item 2)













2.1. Mr. Pérez summarized the historic background leading to the creation of the Cercle de Réflexion, whose goal is notably to promote mutual recognitions of university diplomas among countries. He pointed out the major obstacles to the free movement of intellectuals throughout the planet and developed the original solutions suggested by the Cercle de Réflexion: the high-level training programmes entitled "Leaders without Borders", "Servants of Peace" for united world without borders, open to university graduates from all countries. Mr. Pérez then introduced the organizational chart of the Cercle de Réflexion set forth in chapter II of the Charter.

2.2. The participants debated on the "psychology of peace" of the Charter of the Cercle de Réflexion and the necessity of establishing an international committee to optimize the recruitment and training programmes entitled "Leaders without Borders". By answering the questions related to articles 10 and 13 of the Charter, Mr. Pérez stressed the financial autonomy of the Cercle de Réflexion mentioned in chapter III of the Charter.

3. Implementation of the Charter in the Vietnamese education system ( agenda item 3)

3.1. Mr. Pham Quang Vinh (Viet Nam) expressed the difficulties experienced by Viet Nam in having its diplomas recognized at the international level and underlined the consequences on its economic development.

3.2. Mr. Pérez then specified the conditions of training programmes for the "Leaders without Borders" as well as the "Servants of Peace".

3.3. Further questions arose from participants concerning the "risk of partiality during recruitment" and the risk of "brain-drain" during the training programmes, as well as "the choice of languages" required for these programmes.

After a long exchange of views, it was recommended that the recruitment should be in the six official languages of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The representatives of Cambodia, Côte d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Mali, Morocco and Viet Nam expressed interest in seeing their graduates participate in these high-level training programmes.

4. "L'Humanité I", "a hospital ship of hope for the year 2000 ( agenda item 4 )
















4.1. After having recalled the ineluctability of war, Mr. Pérez and Mrs. Ho described an actual situation of serious diseases, epidemics as well as the disasters of war throughout the world and emphasized the role of such a hospital ship. The General Assembly then confirmed the "urgent need" to put in place as soon as possible this ship for humanity.

4.2 Questions concerning the destination of the hospital ship in case of epidemics outbreaks occurring simultaneously in many countries, the resettlement of victims and the possibility of medical interventions in continental countries were discussed.

4.3. After this discussion, the hospital ship "L'Humanité I" was considered an "act of hope" to human suffering and seen as "a symbol of peace at the service of countries". The Assembly regretted that one ship was not enough to meet the needs of humanity, notably in the third world. Some representatives proposed that the question of the hospital ship should be included in the agenda of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

4.4. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.

5. Brief description of the hospital ship "L'Humanité I" ( agenda item 5)

5.1. The 2nd meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm.
M. Régis Morin described the main technical characteristics of the ship "Smallwood", an ice-breaker which had been already built in Canada, chosen for the hospital-ship.

5.2. Mr. Pérez supplemented that this ice-breaker was inspected and converted into a hospital ship for the Canadian military, and emphasized the safety requirements for the ship L'Humanité I" to sail near armed conflicts areas.

5.3. Mr. Paul Gaimoz explained the possibilities of financing the construction of the ship, seen as "an ideal of peace and love in the world".

5.4. Following this presentation, discussion took place among participants on the emergency of finding financing for the hospital ship. The convening of a Financial Committee on this question was recommended by the General Assembly.

6. Prospects of donating of the hospital ship to the United Nations ( agenda item 6 )

6.1. Mr. Pérez stressed the two types of donations, to be considered: a total donation and a limited one - the exclusive rights to use and free of charge. No financial contribution would be asked from the United Nations in both cases.

6.2. After an exchange of views, the General Assembly suggested further negotiations with the United Nations on this matter.

7. Synthesis of the discussions and presentation of certificates to participating countries ( agenda item 7 )

7.1. Mr. Pérez summarized the work of the General Assembly, which concluded to the following consensus :

1. Welcome favourably the Charter of the Cercle de Réflexion adopted on 29 October 1996;

2. Note that the spirit of this Charter and its programme of action aims at a"profound reflection on peace" to "prevent war and strengthen peace";

3. Note that the original training programmes entitled the "Servants of Peace" of the "Leaders without Borders" are the main goal of this action, which could be integrated into the strategy of preventive diplomacy recommended by the General Assembly and the Secretariat of the United Nations;

4. Suggest the creation of an international committee to ensure the conditions of recruitment and training programmes for the "Leaders without Borders", and facilitate the recognition of diplomas issued by the Cercle de Réflexion;

5. Recognize that the hospital ship "L'Humanité I" becomes "urgent and necessary to human suffering", and hope it could be put in service by the year 2000;

6. Recommend the creation of a financial committee to promote the required financing for the construction of the hospital ship and for the operation of the Cercle de Reflexion;

7. Suggest further negotiations with the United Nations on the donation of the ship.

7.2. The President authorized then the presentation of the certificates of "member of the Cercle de Réflexion " to participating countries.


8. Closing address ( agenda item 8 )

8.1 M. Pérez delivered a closing address which emphasized the importance of the theme "love of others", "assistance to humanity in distress" and the "objectives of the Cercle de Réflexion to contribute in maintaining peace in the world".

8.2. After having noted the success of the second session of the Cercle de Réflexion, Mr. Pham Quang Vinh (Viet Nam) declared that his country would be willing to start a large cooperation with other countries to resolve the question of recognition of diplomas, specifically through the solutions proposed by the Cercle de Réflexion.

8.3. Once again, the President of the session underlined the importance of the objectives of the Cercle de Réflexion for "peace and the human cause". She thanked the participants for their active cooperation and declared close the second session of the General Assembly of the Cercle de Réflexion.

8.4. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.



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