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Training Academy Doctors Leaders for Peace


1. Inauguration: At United Nations Headquarters, New York, on 23 May 2000.


2. Purpose: To train equally doctors and project leaders for peace


3. Admission: Higher education diplomas of all Member States or Observer States of the United Nations, without discrimination as to age, sex, race, social condition, religion or political belief.


4 . Diploma and experience required:


- At least a doctoral higher education level

- Ten years of professional experience with high responsabilities

- Very strong motivation for peace and humanitarian projects

- Strong spirit of leadership, able to design and implement project for peace at national and international level


5. Courses: online courses free of charge


6. Teaching : By internet in french and english


7. Duration : at least two years, including residential seminars


8. Selection: Upon written submission. Applications must be sent by mail to 1522 Cleveland Street, HOLLYWOOD 33020 FLORIDA, USA, par fax : (954) 929 20 28 ou par courrier électronique .


9. Applications for "Doctorate of Peace Administration" for the " Leaders without Borders".


- Last name

- First name

- Date and place of birth

- Nationality

- Language ( write, read., speak )

- Current address: phone, fax, e-mail

- Marital status: single, married, divorced, (number and age of children)

- University courses and degrees (enclose copies of doctor's degree or highest degree received by candidate)

- Professional career (200 words)

- Candidate's demonstration of profound motivations for peace ( 500 words), as well as ability and skills to manage important projects

- Three reference letters


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 1522, Cleveland Street,

Hollywood 33020, Florida, USA

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