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The candidate can expect a volume of 30 to 50 hours of homework per course and will be rated A, B or unsatisfactory. Each course will be graded separately on the basis of a book or text review and personal research.

- Book or text review (1000 words) of the corresponding subject. Books or texts can be selected from the reading list on the Internet. Every book or text on this site will be accepted. But if the candidate wishes to review another book or text, it must be approved in advance in writing by a professor.

- Personal research: written research on paper (3000 words) on topics corresponding to the readings or on recent news specific to the candidate's country or region. Written work should demonstrate familiarity with the most complex issues and the most advanced current analytical techniques in each chosen area. The assignment can be submitted at any time, but no grade will be given until the assignment has been completed.

The thesis should be an original research project of approximately 200 pages or more and will relate to a specific area approved by the relevant professor.


The final result will be calculated on a basis of 50% on the thesis and 50% for the candidate's homework.

Start of program: 2004


Diploma awarded: Doctorate in Peace Administration, (DAP), diploma to be issued by the United Nations Circle of Reflection in conjunction with leading educational institutions and world-renowned universities.

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