UNCR University
Former Director of the United Nations General Assembly, Principal Adviser of UNITAR
Presentation by HE Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
of a “Special Award” to Prof. Dr. Jean-Gazarian- UN New-York December 4, 2014
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UNCR University, by this promotion offers a new vision in the practical application of doctoral theses which are, most of the time, forgotten or unrecognized once they are defended. We consider that this represents a huge intellectual waste not fully benefiting Humanity. This is why the idea came to extend the doctoral theses (whatever the discipline) when they can lead to a concrete project of peace, and thus see the theoretical reasoning supporting the practice. It is in fact a single thesis with a single examination board but two doctoral degrees within the framework of inter-university co-supervision ; it being specified that the doctoral student must imperatively carry out his concrete project on peace in order to obtain the issuance of his doctorate in the administration of peace.
UNCR University reports directly to the Cercle de Réflexion des Nations. It is ”approved by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Its doctoral program is comparable to a Ph.D program offered at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States.
This promotion is exceptional : it is aimed at doctoral students from French-speaking countries who are at the beginning or in the process of their thesis and whose specialties could lead to concrete projects for peace which will have to be carried out effectively in the field.
Goal : to train many Doctors in Peace Administration in charge of concrete projects for peace, and thus:
Make practical the purely theoretical reasoning of theses by serving as a support for concrete achievements for peace (in all possible fields)
Stimulate inter-university relations in French-speaking countries
Promote the influence of the French language and culture
Serve world peace
Admission : training open to higher education graduates from all Member and Observer States of the Agence Internationale de la Francophonie, without distinction of age, sex, race, social condition or political or religious opinion. This special promotion is aimed at top-level doctoral students who have completed a brilliant academic and professional career with a real commitment to peace in order to be exempted from our theoretical training.
Qualifications and experience required:
- Higher education at doctoral level.
- A professional experience of ten years in positions of high responsibility.
- A very strong motivation for peace and humanitarian projects.
- A spirit of "Leader" combining the ability to design and implement major projects for peace and to mobilize energies and men.
Tuition: Free. However, the doctoral student will have to bear the costs of carrying out his peace project. Scholarships are possible.
Application deadline: October 1, 2024
Thesis follow-up: mainly provided by Internet.
Duration: in principle three years
Project for Peace: The project for Peace carried out during the co-supervised doctorate must be related to the theoretical fields addressed in the PhD thesis, it however aims to give to the research work a practical dimension. This can be, for example, practical projects such as training programs for various audiences (communities, religious people, governments, businesses, NGOs, etc.), on-the-ground awareness and information actions for the benefit of diverse populations, charitable works (care, childhood education, microfinance, etc.), the promotion of local traditions and cultures favorable to peace, scientific or engineering applications beneficial to the common good (access to drinking water, sanitation of living spaces, assistance with access to specific care, etc.).. The list of possible projects is vast, depending on the research area, local contexts, interests and experience of doctoral students, etc.
Selection : by written request proposed and presented preferably through the diplomatic channel. The application should be sent by mail to 1522 Cleveland Street, HOLLYWOOD 33020 FLORIDA, USA, by fax: (954) 929 20 28 or by e-mail cdreflexion@gmail.com
Application file "Doctorate in Peace Administration"
- Last name
- First names
- Date and place of birth
- Nationality
- Language (s) (specify: spoken, read (s), written (s)).
- Current address (phone, fax, email)
- Family situation (single, married or divorced, number and age of children)
- University course and diploma (s) (attach a copy of the doctoral diploma (s) or the highest diploma obtained)
- Professional career (200 words).
- The candidate must demonstrate his deep motivations for peace and his ability to provide leadership for the peace projects that he will have to carry out as part of his research-action (500 words)
-Three letters of reference
M.Thibault Masset, Professor of Philosophy, twice qualify for the writing of the philosophy of aggregation in France.
PhD thesis project in Philosophy: "Critique and clinic of strategies for peace and violence in the 21st century" , supervised by Bertrand Ogilvie. Theses in preparation at the University of Paris 8 in co-supervision with the UNCR University / Cercle de Réflexion des Nations, within the framework of ED Practices and theories of meaning, in partnership with the Laboratories of studies and research on logics contemporaries of philosophy since 23-03-2015. Thesis leading to the concrete project on “Peace strategies and its application protocols” for the Doctorate in Peace Administration under the supervision of Jean-Luc Pérez (UNCR University)
M. Masset congratulated by the Consul of France
for having organized in Miami the “March for Peace” after the terrorist attacks of January 2015
and previously initiator of the Colloquium ”Violence, Violence” in Bogota (Colombia) in 2011
Mr. Paulin Sanfo : PhD in Marketing, DES Diplomacy and International Relations, in charge in 2014 of the peace proposals for the way out of the government crisis in Burkina Faso.
Thesis project: “The policy of fight against violent extremism in Burkina Faso” in joint supervision between the University Insttut Supérieur de Technologie and UNCR University. This thesis should lead to the creation of a “Center for the Promotion of Peace, Security and Governance” based on “Parenté à janterie” in Burkina Faso and in the neighboring countries.
Mr. Paulin Sanfo
PhD in Marketing, DES in Diplomacy and International Relations