held on 28 Janvier 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters - New York
Were present :
- Mr. Millogo Dié, Second Counsellor, delegated by His Excellency Mr. Eric Tiake, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso to the United Nations Organization
- Rev. Fr. Roger Landry, Attaché, delegated by His Excellency Arbishop Bernardito Auza, Apostolic Nuncio, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of Holy See to the United Nations Organization
- His Excellency Mr. Aberrazzak Laassel, Deputy, Permanent Representative the Kingdom of Morocco to the United Nations Organization
- Mr. Jean-Luc Pérez, President of the Commission on Human Duties
- Mr. Dominique David, President of the Technical Committee of the Commission on Human Duties
- Mrs. Kieu My Pérez, Secretary- General of the Cercle de Réflexion des Nations
- Mr. Bruno Gareton, Promoter of the process Mobitouch
1- Welcoming address (Agenda item 1)
Mr. Jean-Luc Pérez welcomed the participants and opened the meeting at 10 :45 am. It paid immediately homage to the memory of Mr.Jean Gazarian, former Director of the General Assembly of the United Nations and Coordinator of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR ) for his life dedicated to the promotion of the United Nations and Peace, also for his role as counsellor of the Cercle de Réflexion des Nations for almost twenty years. It is specified that a special promotion of Doctorate in Peace Administration Programme would bear his name.
Mr. Pérez indicated that the Secretary- General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa excused themselves to be unable to attend the meeting because of their former engagements. However, they described it as « an important meeting » and sent their best wishes for success.
Then, Father Roger Landry was elected President of the Second Commission of the Human Duties by acclamation.
The agenda was adopted entirely by the President after replacing the afternoon programme by the presentation of a special promotion Jean Gazarian at the end of the session.
2- Summary of the Commission's work ( Agenda item 2)
Mr. Pérez explained that, as mandated by the Commission on 25 June 2009 (Resolution b), he sought to propose a draft text on Human Duties including the idea "the rights and duties of man are inseparable " that already affirmed (Resolution a). He said that he had tried to identify the duties of man in the recommendations of the General Assembly of the United Nations and noticed that these duties were not clearly defined although they were in these recommendations. After a long study, he prepared a draft on Universal Declaration of Human Duties, modeled on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948. At this moment , the question was posed on the most effective choices and the best strategies for all States to work together on finalizing the text so it can be accepted.
3-Discussion on the relevance of a Universal Declaration of Human Duties inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( Agenda item3)
The participants finally rejected the possibility of an establishing a Declaration of Human Duties in every States because certain duties already outlined in its constitution which had adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The representative of Morocco then suggested to retain the text prepared by Mr. President as a working base and to form a group of States. These States should represent this Commission, who would agree to sponsor and bring the project to the General Assembly of the United Nations, share the points of view with other participants and manage in complying with the guidelines of Human Duties Commission on 25 June 2009 (Resolution c and d).
4-Operating mode of the Drafting Committee at the United Nations (Agenda item 4)
The representative of Morocco has proposed that this group of States would prepare a draft resolution based on the draft of Declaration of Human Duties inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 of the United Nations , so these States could seize the General Assembly of the United Nations to set up a "Working Group", in calling on all Member and Observer States of the United Nations to take part in the final text; text would be re-submitted to the General Assembly for adoption.
After discussion, the proposal was accepted unanimously . The representatives of Burkina Faso, Morocco and the Holy See were in favor of seeking the agreements of their governments.
5- Analysis of the first Human Duty: Protection of the Earth (UN Declaration of 1 March 2006) (Agenda item 5)
The participants of the Commission have estimated that the Declaration made at the United Nations on 1 March 2006, in which stated that "the Earth is the first heritage of humanity" and that "to protect it is the first thing of Human Duty" (see the key « Declaration of Human Duties »), This complied with the actual concerns of all States after the commitments at the end of COP 21 in Paris, including the one of the Vatican with the encyclical" Laudato Si "of His Holiness Pope Francis. Thus ; this text logically has its place in the draft of Universal Declaration of Human Duties in article 3 line 2.
6-Diffusion method of Human Duties ( Agenda item 6)
To facilitate the means of diffusion the Human Duties, the Commission on 25 June 2009 had established a Technical Committee and appointed Mr. Dominique David to introduce a new technology to promote the content of the text that to be adopted.
Mr. Dominique David and Mr. Gareton Bruno exposed that they were finalizing the creation of a machine, the Mobitouch which is able to read, to understand every word spoken and to build a clean interpersonal dialogue to each user in order to spread the message of Human Duties. It provides an interactive and personalized access to all human knowledge. They pointed out that on the basis of this process, the applications already programmed in English and French. In particular to optimize the security of the entire computer system against phishing, spams and viruses , it is disposal immediately to the United Nations agencies. Then they proposed to offer it to the United Nations and its agencies optimizing the security of their information and management systems. Based on the technological breakthrough, Mr. David said that the United Nations could be associated with the global promotion of this technology, acted as Master Franchisor to its Member States and governmental agencies who would become franchisees via granted licenses and contribute a portion of their profits to the United Nations.
The Commission took note of this suggestion and the representatives of Burkina Faso, Morocco and the Holy See proposed to submit it directly to the Secretary- General of the United Nations.
7- The special promotion "Jean Gazarian" Doctorate in Peace Administration (Agenda item 7)
Mr. Pérez recalled that the Human Duties are part of the perspective to help achieve and maintain peace in the world which is the major objective of the United Nations and also of the Cercle de Réflexion des Nations. Since 2002 the Cecle de Réflexion des Nations has put in place the programme Doctorate in Peace Administration, developed in the heart of the United Nations and in 2006 the PhD in International Governance and Sustainable Development in partnership with UNITAR.
In the frame work of the Doctorate in Peace Administration, the Cercle de réflexion des Nations would offer through UNCR University a special promotion "Jean Gazarian" to the candidates who are in course of their doctoral thesis or those already graduated and want to realize in parallel with their fields a concrete projects for peace on the site and for their own countries. This programme would be scored through cotutelles inter- universities (see link « special Promotion Jean Gazarian »). The representatives of Burkina Faso, Morocco and the Holy See supported this initiative and said that they would inform it to the doctoral candidates of their countries.
8- Closing of debate (Agenda 8)
There was no more discussion. The President warmly thanked the participants for their active participation and closed the meeting at 13 :00 pm.
Annexed to this minute : the project of Universal Declaration of Human Duties.